Make a Difference with Your Contribution

Fueling Hope for a Cure

By contributing to #AbbyStrong, you're supporting groundbreaking research, raising awareness, and providing crucial assistance to families affected by this rare disease.


Click the button below to visit our GoFundMe page and contribute to our mission of fighting Niemann-Pick Disease Type C. Every donation, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to finding a cure and supporting those affected by NPC.

Ara Parseghian Medical Research Fund

Your donation will be matched 3:1 (TRIPLED)!!!
YES! Every gift given to the Parseghian Fund through the Notre Dame Day page will be MATCHED 3:1 by an anonymous donor!

Our goal is to raise $417,000 and that will be TRIPLED by a generous donor who will donate an additional $1.25 MILLION!!!!! (*note the maximum of the donor match is $1.25 million)

National Niemann Pick Disease Foundation

The National Niemann-Pick Disease Foundation, Inc. (NNPDF) is a non-profit, patient advocacy and family support organization dedicated to supporting and empowering patients and families affected by Niemann-Pick disease, through education, collaboration and research. Founded in 1993, NNPDF serves families throughout the nation at all stages of their Niemann-Pick journey. The NNPDF is the US member organization of the International Niemann-Pick disease Alliance (INPDA).


Donate directly through Venmo using our username @abbynpc. Your Venmo donation goes directly towards supporting our cause and making a difference in the NPC community.

Ways Your Donation Helps

Research Advancements

Fuel the progress of scientific research aimed at finding a cure for Niemann-Pick Disease Type C.

Support Services

Provide essential resources and support services for individuals and families navigating the challenges of NPC.

Awareness Initiatives

Help amplify our voice and raise awareness about NPC, ensuring that more people understand the impact of this rare disease.